Results for 'R. James Stubbs'

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  1.  1
    Exploring the underlying psychological constructs of self-report eating behavior measurements: Toward a comprehensive framework.Clarissa Dakin, Graham Finlayson & R. James Stubbs - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    James R. Jacob, "Henry Stubbe, Radical Protestantism and the Early Enlightenment". [REVIEW]Richard H. Popkin - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (2):270.
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    Henry Stubbe, Radical Protestantism and the Early Enlightenment by James R. Jacob. [REVIEW]Steven Shapin - 1984 - Isis 75:421-422.
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    Seventeenth Century James R. Jacob, Henry Stubbe, radical protestantism and the early enlightenment. Cambridge: University Press, 1983. Pp. viii + 222. ISBN 0-521-24876-0. £19.50. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (1):111-112.
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    Philosophy and the God of Abraham: Essays in Memory of James A. Weisheipl, OP.R. James Long - 1991 - PIMS.
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    Rahner, Sin, and the Sinless One.R. James Lisowski - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):57-75.
    This essay examines Karl Rahner’s theology of sin, specifically his unique rendering of original sin. Before advancing to this specific consideration of original sin, I shall seek to situate his overall theology of sin within his thinking on human freedom. Following this, Rahner’s Mariology will be described and shown to be more or less compatible with traditional Marian teachings. The crux of this essay will argue that Rahner’s rendering of original sin creates a tension with the Mariology that he and (...)
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    Adam’s Rib A Test Case for Natural Philosophy in Grosseteste, Fishacre, Rufus, and Kilwardby.R. James Long - 2013 - In John Flood, James R. Ginther & Joseph W. Goering (eds.), Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu: New Editions and Studies. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. pp. 153-164.
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    Mysterious Existence and Problematic Friends: Reading Job with Gabriel Marcel.R. James Lisowski - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):952-963.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 5, Page 952-963, September 2022.
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  9. Roger Bacon on the Nature and Place of Angels'.R. James Long - 1997 - Vivarium 35 (2):266-282.
  10. The Life and Works of Richard Fishacre, O.P.: Prolegomena to the Edition of his Commentary on the Sentences.R. James Long & Maura O'caroll Snd - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (1):181-181.
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    Gabriel Marcel and Thomas Aquinas.R. James Lisowski - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):473-488.
    This article considers the positions of Gabriel Marcel and Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge and argues for a synthesis between them. The basis of this Marcelian-Thomistic synthesis is their common understanding of the self as inherently in relation to that which is other and in the necessity of activation for self-knowledge to occur. The divergence between these thinkers occurs in regard to the process of activation. While Aquinas presents an Aristotelian account of activation rooted in his understanding of cognition, Marcel offers (...)
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    Richard Fishacre's Quaestio on the Ascension of Christ: An Edition.R. James Long - 1978 - Mediaeval Studies 40 (1):30-55.
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    Inferences and predictions: Normative vs representative responding.R. James Holzworth & Michael E. Doherty - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (4):300-302.
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    Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae ed. by Riccardo Quinto and Magdalena Bieniak.R. James Long - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):782-783.
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    Feedback effects in a metric multiple-cue probability learning task.R. James Holzworth & Michael E. Doherty - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):1-3.
  16. Mary's City of David.R. James Taylor - 1997 - Utopian Studies 8 (1):241-242.
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    Inclusive strategies for restraining aggression—lessons from classical chinese culture.R. James Ferguson - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8 (1):31 – 46.
    An extensive body of Chinese philosophical thought suggests a redefinition of international security in terms of a non-threatening formulation of Comprehensive Security. In one culture viewed as particularly 'strategic', i.e. Chinese culture, we find strong traditions of inclusive, non-aggressive forms of security. Mo Tzu and the school of Mohism (5th-3rd centuries BC) developed a rigorous body of thought and practice based on universal regard, the protection of small states, and disesteem for aggressive wars. This is paralleled by a more general (...)
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    To Pardon what Conscience Dreads.R. James Lisowski - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (3):435-452.
    This article will examine the religious phenomenology of Max Scheler as it is found in his essay on repentance. In outlining Scheler’s understanding of repentance, I shall note his attempt at defining the phenomenon, as well as the presuppositions to and outcomes of this religious act. With this foundation laid, I shall then offer two critiques. First, Scheler’s rendering of repentance limps in not accounting for the cyclical and repeatable nature of repentance, to which human experience and Scheler’s own broader (...)
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  19. (1 other version)3. Aquinas and Franciscan Nature Mysticism.R. James Long - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (2).
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    Alfred of Sareshel's Commentary on the Pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis: A Critical Edition.R. James Long - 1985 - Mediaeval Studies 47 (1):125-167.
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    The Politics and Philosophy of Chinese Power: The Timeless and the Timely.R. James Ferguson & Rosita Dellios - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Rosita Dellios.
    This book examines the politics, philosophy, and history of Chinese power, focusing on social, strategic, and diplomatic trends that have shaped China for over three thousand years. By probing political and philosophical trends, it provides an alternative analysis for the rise of contemporary China.
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    (1 other version)Richard Fishacre.R. James Long - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 563–568.
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    Inviting Existential Interest: Rahnerian Mystery and Pastoral Counseling.R. James Lisowski - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):414-424.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 3, Page 414-424, May 2022.
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    Richard Fishacre and the Problem of the Soul.R. James Long - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 52 (3):263-270.
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    The science of theology according to Richard Fishacre: edition of the Prologue to his Commentary on the Sentences.R. James Long - 1972 - Mediaeval Studies 34 (1):71-98.
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    Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume 1, the Person and His Work. [REVIEW]R. James Long - 1999 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):355-357.
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    Concept Appraisal.Sapphira R. Thorne, Jake Quilty-Dunn, Joulia Smortchkova, Nicholas Shea & James A. Hampton - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12978.
    This paper reports the first empirical investigation of the hypothesis that epistemic appraisals form part of the structure of concepts. To date, studies of concepts have focused on the way concepts encode properties of objects and the way those features are used in categorization and in other cognitive tasks. Philosophical considerations show the importance of also considering how a thinker assesses the epistemic value of beliefs and other cognitive resources and, in particular, concepts. We demonstrate that there are multiple, reliably (...)
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  28. Grapheme-color synaesthesia benefits rule-based Category learning.Marcus R. Watson, Mark R. Blair, Pavel Kozik, Kathleen A. Akins & James T. Enns - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1533-1540.
    Researchers have long suspected that grapheme-color synaesthesia is useful, but research on its utility has so far focused primarily on episodic memory and perceptual discrimination. Here we ask whether it can be harnessed during rule-based Category learning. Participants learned through trial and error to classify grapheme pairs that were organized into categories on the basis of their associated synaesthetic colors. The performance of synaesthetes was similar to non-synaesthetes viewing graphemes that were physically colored in the same way. Specifically, synaesthetes learned (...)
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    Lying with Hagar: The Role of Natural Philosophy in the Theology of Richard Fishacre.R. James Long - 2008 - Modern Schoolman 86 (1-2):47-64.
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    Of Angels and Pinheads: The Contributions of the Early Oxford Masters to the Doctrine of Spiritual Matter.R. James Long - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 56 (1):239-254.
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    The Role of Philosophy in Richard Fishacre’s Theology of Creation.R. James Long - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 571-578.
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    Synesthesia and learning: a critical review and novel theory.Marcus R. Watson, Kathleen A. Akins, Chris Spiker, Lyle Crawford & James T. Enns - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  33. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Psychopathy and Implications for Judgments of Responsibility. [REVIEW]R. James R. Blair - 2008 - Neuroethics 1 (3):149-157.
    Psychopathy is a developmental disorder associated with specific forms of emotional dysfunction and an increased risk for both frustration-based reactive aggression and goal-directed instrumental antisocial behavior. While the full behavioral manifestation of the disorder is under considerable social influence, the basis of this disorder appears to be genetic. At the neural level, individuals with psychopathy show atypical responding within the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Moreover, the roles of the amygdala in stimulus-reinforcement learning and responding to emotional expressions and vmPFC (...)
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    Critical Direct Realism? New Realism, Roy Wood Sellars, and Wilfrid Sellars.James R. O’Shea - 2024 - Topoi 43 (1):135-145.
    The overall contention of this paper, conducted through an examination of the idea of a ‘critical direct realism’ as this was developed across the twentieth century first in the thought of Roy Wood Sellars (1880–1973) and then in a different form by his son Wilfrid Sellars (1912–1989), is that such a view, in both its conceptual and sensory representational dimensions, is plausible as a form of direct realism. However, to the extent that the mediating sensory or qualitative dimension was itself (...)
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    Identifying psychophysiological indices of expert vs. novice performance in deadly force judgment and decision making.Robin R. Johnson, Bradly T. Stone, Carrie M. Miranda, Bryan Vila, Lois James, Stephen M. James, Roberto F. Rubio & Chris Berka - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Limited Coping Skills, Young Age, and High BMI Are Risk Factors for Injuries in Contemporary Dance: A 1-Year Prospective Study.Diana van Winden, Rogier M. van Rijn, Geert J. P. Savelsbergh, Raôul R. D. Oudejans & Janine H. Stubbe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated potential risk factors (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) for substantial injuries in contemporary dance students using a prospective cohort design, as high-quality studies focusing on mental risk factors for dance injuries are lacking. Student characteristics (age, sex, BMI, educational program and history of injury) and psychological constructs (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) were assessed using the Performing artist and Athlete Health Monitor (PAHM), a web-based system. Substantial injuries were measured with the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) Questionnaire on (...)
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    Cross-cultural comparison of motor competence in children from Australia and Belgium.Farid Bardid, James R. Rudd, Matthieu Lenoir, Remco Polman & Lisa M. Barnett - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide.James R. O'Shea (ed.) - 2017 - New York City: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's monumental book the Critique of Pure Reason was arguably the most conceptually revolutionary work in the history of philosophy and its impact continues to be felt throughout philosophical debates today. However, it is a notoriously difficult work whose basic meaning and lasting philosophical significance are both subject to ongoing controversy. In this Critical Guide, an international team of leading Kant scholars addresses the challenges, clarifying Kant's basic terms and arguments and engaging with the debates that surround this central text. (...)
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    The impact of expert visual guidance on trainee visual search strategy, visual attention and motor skills.Daniel R. Leff, David R. C. James, Felipe Orihuela-Espina, Ka-Wai Kwok, Loi Wah Sun, George Mylonas, Thanos Athanasiou, Ara W. Darzi & Guang-Zhong Yang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Leaders, leadership, and democratization in West Africa: Observations from the cotton farmers movement in Mali. [REVIEW]R. James Bingen - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (2):24-32.
    It is widely accepted that the success of rural nongovernmental organizations depends heavily on leadership and the organizational abilities of individual leaders. Drawing on the recent history of the cotton farmers' movement in Mali, this article identifies critical issues related to the development and sustainability of rural leadership. Special attention is given to how both heroic and post-heroic approaches to leadership might be joined in order to help nongovernmental organizations contribute to both political democratization and economic development.
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    Appropriate supervisor--graduate student relationships.Lynne E. Sullivan & James R. P. Ogloff - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (3):229 – 248.
    Given that university faculty members and supervisors practicing in the community have been involved in at least one research supervisor-graduate student relationship, it is surprising that so little attention has been paid to the ethical issues involved in such relationships. Indeed, as a student and her or his graduate research supervisor may be involved in a close working relationship for many years, it is understandable that several opportunities can arise that could be considered dual or multiple relationships. Examples of such (...)
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    The Five Fragments of the Apocryphon of Ezekiel: A Critical Study.Moshe Greenberg & James R. Mueller - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):157.
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    A Comparative Analysis of Female-Male Communication Style as a Function of Organizational Level.Nick Nykodym, James R. Wilcox & Karen M. Cowan - 1990 - Communications 15 (3):291-310.
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    Richard Rufus’s Reformulations of Anselm’s Proslogion Argument.Richard Dewitt & R. James Long - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):329-347.
    In a Sentences Commentary written about 1250 the Franciscan Richard Rufus subjects Anselm’s argument for God’s existence in his Proslogion to the most trenchant criticism since Gaunilon wrote his response on behalf of the “fool.” Anselm’s argument is subtle but sophistical, claims Rufus, because he fails to distinguish between signification and supposition. Rufus therefore offers five reformulations of the Anselmian argument, which we restate in modern formal logic and four of which we claim are valid, the fifth turning on a (...)
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    Silicon whisker growth by the vapour-liquid-solid process.P. R. Thornton, D. W. F. James, C. Lewis & A. Bradford - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (127):165-177.
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    The consolation of philosophy of Boethius.H. R. Boethius & James - 2019 - New York: NOVA Science. Edited by H. R. James.
    The book called The Consolation of Philosophy was throughout the Middle Ages, and down to the beginnings of the modern epoch in the sixteenth century, the scholars familiar companion. Few books have exercised a wider influence in their time. It has been translated into every European tongue, and into English nearly a dozen times, from King Alfreds paraphrase to the translations of Lord Preston, Causton, Ridpath, and Duncan, in the eighteenth century.
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  47. The C. L. R. James Reader.Anna Grimshaw, C. L. R. James, Keith Hart & Robert A. Hill - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):220-226.
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  48. Reduced Amygdala Response in Youths With Disruptive Behavior Disorders and Psychopathic Traits: Decreased Emotional Response Versus Increased Top-Down Attention to Nonemotional Features.Stuart F. White, Abigail A. Marsh, Katherine A. Fowler, Julia C. Schechter, Christopher Adalio, Kayla Pope, Stephen Sinclair, Daniel S. Pine & R. James R. Blair - 2012 - American Journal of Psychiatry 169 (7):750-758.
    Youths with disruptive behavior disorders and psychopathic traits showed reduced amygdala responses to fearful expressions under low attentional load but no indications of increased recruitment of regions implicated in top- down attentional control. These findings suggest that the emotional deficit observed in youths with disruptive behavior disorders and psychopathic traits is primary and not secondary to increased top- down attention to nonemotional stimulus features.
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    Self-efficacy toward service, civic participation and the business student: Scale development and validation. [REVIEW]Paula S. Weber, James E. Weber, Bradley R. Sleeper & Ken L. Schneider - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (4):359-369.
    This paper presents the development andvalidation of new measurement tools to exploreself-efficacy toward service and toward civicparticipation. We developed and administereda survey to 851 students in an AACSB-accreditedcollege of business at a comprehensive publicuniversity located in the Midwest. Traditionalscale development methodologies plusconfirmatory factor analysis and simultaneousfactor analysis in several populations wereused to analyze both a primary sample and aholdback sample. Results strongly support thevalidity and reliability of the surveyinstrument. Future use for the instrumentincludes verification of the effectiveness ofpedagogies designed to (...)
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  50.  26
    The Afterlife of Beyond a Boundary: C. L. R. James in the Twenty-First Century.Leslie R. James - 2019 - CLR James Journal 25 (1):263-283.
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